Keynote Luncheon, Sponsored by Surgical Directions: Creating and Sustaining High-Performing Surgical Services

Keynote Luncheon, Sponsored by Surgical Directions: Creating and Sustaining High-Performing Surgical Services

Pacific Jewel Ballroom


A prestigious Southeast hospital sought to turn its surgical services department into a best-in-class facility with high clinical, operational, and financial performance. The hospital’s surgical services are part of a blended adult/pediatric Level II trauma center that is the busiest in the region. The goals were to improve patient access; increase engagement of surgeons, anesthesia providers, and staff; resolve scheduling issues; increase efficiency; and solidify the facility’s reputation as a great place to work and receive care. Through a focused effort supported by Surgical Directions consultants, the hospital revamped its surgical services governance council, reduced room turnover times, redesigned and gain surgeon buy-in on a new block schedule, and improved first case on-time starts. As a result, both patient care and the contribution margin of surgical services improved.

What you will learn: 

  • Identify ways to reduce same day-cancellations, improve prime-time utilization, and create a seamless experience for surgical patients. 
  • Describe how to establish and sustain a high-functioning surgical services governance council. 
  • Discuss how to increase collaboration among surgeons, anesthesia providers, nursing, and administrators.

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