MD Technologies
MD Technologies inc. supplies the Environ-mate DM6000 Series Suction-Drain Systems for silent disposal of suctioned fluids. By eliminating conventional disposable canisters, the DM6000 Series units offer substantial cost savings for Surgery, Endoscopy and Central Sterilization. Units typically pay for themselves within a year.
We also provide the PT20, a polyp trap that has been the favorite of Endoscopy nurses and technicians. With its unique screw cap and specifically designed, fine-mesh scree, the PT20 makes polyp retrieval easy without risk of splash when opening. Our FM99 is a filter/manifold permits connection of up to four suction fields simultaneously while straining suctioned fluid such that only liquid exits the device.
Exhibitor Type
Product Categories
Capital EquipmentCleaning/SterilizationConsultingFluid Management SystemsSterile Processing Equipment